Your Gift to UC Davis Annual Fund

How often will you give?

How much will you give?


Is this gift in honor or memory of a person or pet?

Special Instructions / Comments?


If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].

bill_to_forename --
bill_to_surname --
bill_to_email --
bill_to_phone --
bill_to_address_line1 --
bill_to_address_line2 --
bill_to_address_city --
bill_to_address_state -- CA
bill_to_address_postal_code --
bill_to_address_country -- US
payment_method -- card
currency -- USD
line_item_count -- 1
item_0_code -- default
item_0_name -- UC Davis Annual Fund
item_0_quantity -- 1
item_0_sku -- 341017
item_0_unit_price -- 100
amount -- 100
recurring_amount --
recurring_frequency --
recurring_frequency_type --
recurring_number_of_installments --
recurring_automatic_renew --
recurring_start_date --
payment_token_comments --
locale -- en
reference_number -- 504eae8b-21d0-428e-ba37-4dbb9d489a69
transaction_type -- sale
transaction_uuid --
merchant_defined_data10 --
merchant_defined_data11 --
merchant_defined_data12 --
merchant_defined_data14 -- False
merchant_defined_data40 -- no
merchant_defined_data41 --
merchant_defined_data42 --
merchant_defined_data43 --
merchant_defined_data44 --
merchant_defined_data45 --
merchant_defined_data46 --
merchant_defined_data20 --
merchant_defined_data21 -- False
merchant_defined_data22 -- False
merchant_defined_data23 -- False
merchant_defined_data24 --
merchant_defined_data25 --
merchant_defined_data26 --
merchant_defined_data30 -- False
merchant_defined_data31 --
merchant_defined_data32 --
merchant_defined_data33 --
merchant_defined_data34 --
merchant_secure_data4 --
doublethedonation_company_name --

Your Donation Supports

UC Davis Annual Fund

Every gift to the UC Davis Annual Fund makes a difference

Contact Info

Annual and Special Gifts Program

[email protected]

(530) 754-1100 (Phone)

Fund purpose


Fund type