Make a gift to the CA&ES Experiential Learning Fund
Make a Gift to the Agricultural Education Credential Program Fund
Make a Gift to the Active Literacy Academy Program Fund
Make a gift to honor founding dean Young's legacy
Support the Fujimoto Memorial Student Award
Correne E. Treguboff Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund
Scholarships for outstanding achievements of doctoral students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
The Jeffery C. Gibeling Master's Thesis Award honors Dr. Gibeling and the top master's thesis in College of Engineering
Support the Carl Keen Graduate Student Award!
Support students advancing health for older adults
Support undergraduate students in memory of Distinguished Professor Mukherjee
Make a Gift to the Education Faculty Scholarship Fund
Support this unique professional development opportunity for teachers from throughout Northern California. Make your gift today!
Your gift supports future Physician Assistants
Make a Gift to the Active Literacy Academy Program Fund
Support Students in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Make a gift to the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Student Support Fund
Make a gift to the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences today!
Support undergraduate students
Scholarships for outstanding students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Support Undergraduate Students in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Make a Gift to the "Teacher Credential Scholarship in Honor of Al Mendle" Fund
Make a gift to the Agricultural and Resource Economics Student Support Fund
Scholarships for students interested in careers as nurse educators, researchers or clinicians who specialize in oncology
Make a Gift to Larry N. Vanderhoef Scholarship for Study Abroad
Support UC Davis students in gaining global learning experiences that advance local and global LGBTQIA+ issues. (Current Use Fund)
An ever-lasting tribute to an exemplary employee, Janice L. Wimmer Corbett.
Make a gift to the Land, Air and Water Resources Student Support Fund
Supporting the Chicanx and Latinx Engineers and Scientists Society of UC Davis
Scholarships for students interested in pursuing prevention research on Alzheimer's and Alzheimer's-related dementias
Make a gift to the Environmental Science and Policy Student Support Fund
Supporting former foster youth access to discovery through financial aid assistance.
Support Undergraduate Scholarships
Make a gift to the Niels C. Legallet Memorial Scholarship Fund
Make a gift to the Barbara O. Schneeman Aggie Ambassador Prize
Scholarships for future Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
Make a gift to the Plant Sciences Student Support Fund
Make a gift to the Companion Animals Undergraduate Scholarship
Support our students today!
Support Graduate Students
Make a gift to the Food Science and Technology Student Support Fund
Make a Gift to the Teaching Credential/Masters Student Scholarship Endowment
Create opportunities and transform lives
Make a gift to the TC/MA Bilingual Authorization Scholarship Fund
Your gift supports outstanding graduate students who exemplify the school's vision for change
Supporting First Generation College Students
Make a gift to support graduate students
Supporting doctoral students at the School of Education
Scholarship award for a teaching credential/masters student with a career focus in STEM
Support undergraduate Chemical Engineering students in honor of Prof. Robert Powell
Make a gift to the Plant Pathology Student Support Fund
Make a gift to the PTX Graduate Group
Supporting student athletes majoring in engineering
Support Computer Science graduate students through the Walters Memorial Scholarship
Make a gift to the Nancy Rupp Tibbitts Scholarship Fund
Make a gift to the Barrett and Buhlert Memorial Food Science Award
Make a gift to support DEVO
Make a Gift to the Heather Marie Award for Guardian Teacher Scholars, to support former foster youth pursuing teaching as a career
Make a gift to the Animal Science Student Support Fund
Support undergraduate students in memory of Distinguished Professor Amiya Mukherjee
Support students with a desire to break down silos, work and collaborate effectively with other health care professionals
Make a Gift to the Brooks Taylor Memorial Scholarship Award
Make a Gift to the Brazil Family Bilingual Scholarship
SWE Alumni Professional Award (endowed fund) supports women and underserved communities in STEM
In honor of Caroline Dare, this fund supports the next generation of nurse leaders
Support Undergraduate Scholarships
Support the American Society of Civil Engineers at UC Davis
Make a gift to the Landscape Architecture Student Support Fund
Scholarships for nursing and medical students with an interest in health care policy leadership
Make a Gift to Support UCDRA Scholarships
Make a Gift to the Teaching Credential/Masters Student Scholarship Fund
A lifelong friendship between Chancellor Gary May and his mentor led to the creation of this endowment to advance DEI in engineering
Johannes "Joe" DeVries Endowed Graduate Student Award
Make a Gift to Support the Jan Conroy Memorial Internship for Graphic Design
Make a Gift to the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Support student scholarships and basic needs in Electrical and Computer Engineering
This endowment fund supports educational activities that enrich graduate student experiences in geotechnical engineering.
Supporting students in Materials Science and Engineering
Support students experiencing hardship
Endowed scholarship fund stablished by the School's inaugural master’s-degree and doctoral-degree classes
Make a Gift to the Next Generation STEM Teaching Award
Make a gift to the Student Leadership and Professional Development Fund
Make a gift to the Neal Van Alfen and James MacDonald Graduate Student Support Fund
Support the Ted Bradshaw Engaged Student Scholar Award Fund!
Scholarships for students at the Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing
Engineering Undergraduate Awards and Scholarships
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Group support graduate student travel , awards, enrichment events and more
Make a gift to Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology Student Support Fund
Support student educational enhancement by making a gift today
Make a gift to celebrate Biological and Agricultural Engineering's 100 years
Make a gift to the Entomology and Nematology Student Support Fund
Scholarships for students who will lead the future of health care
Make a gift in memory of Dr. George Alexeeff
Make a gift to the Environmental Toxicology Student Support Fund
Scholarship support for students majoring in both Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Help community college transfer students smoothly transition to UC Davis
Make a gift to the William and Nongkarn Chancellor Fellowship
Make a Gift to the Guardian Teacher Scholarship Fund
Make a gift to the Emeritus Professor Jerald M. Henderson Memorial Scholarship Fund
Make a gift in memory of Joseph Ogawa
Invest in LEADR students in Tanya Whitlow's memory
Make a gift to the Geography Graduate Group Support Fund
Scholarships for the next generation of nurse leaders, researchers, educators and policymakers